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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Exams so far...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. All gone so quickly...

I'm done with Corporations Law & Trust. I'm done with Financial Management. I'm done with Managerial Economics. How do I find those papers?

BTW2220 - Corporations Law & Trust
I happened to practice a bit of past years for Corp Law, especially the Sem 2 ones, as Berwick do not offer the subject in Sem 1. And how fortunate for me to be doing past years, because half of the questions were exact from past years. All I need to do was just expand on what I write on that rough piece of paper. It felt like this is my day... I managed to finish attempting all the questions on time, thank God. But some of my friends couldn't finish in time, which is kind of sad...

AFW2631 - Financial Management
Doing past years prior to the exam was a big help in understanding the methodology. Of course, only a quarter of the questions were from past year, but I encountered almost no problems in answering them due to understanding of the methodology, not memorization. Memorizing never helps. It's practice, practice, practice. The questions in the exam brought out the best in me, but after the exam, I was mentally drained... Never had I used that much brain cells for an exam, especially for the likes of FM. The questions were challenging, and my mind seems to respond to it.

ECW2731 - Managerial Economics
It was a fun subject under Prof He-Ling Shi. And to make things better, he said that 90-95% of the final exam would be similar to the mock exams. Sounds too good to be true eh? I didn't really take the bait and as expected, only the 1st 3 questions are similar to the mock exams. The last 2 was completely bullshit. However, I did recall that Question 5 at the time was from the last tutorial question... Darn, I should have printed out the answers for it beforehand. Oh well, at least I still understand what is nonrival and nonexclusionary. But question 4 was bullshit all the way, and I don't think I did enough for it, haha. Oh well, see how it goes come December 3.

P/S My prediction for the 2 by-elections would be as follows: BN to win in Galas by 2,000 votes. Also, BN to win Batu Sapi by around 2,500 votes over SAPP. =P

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