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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Classes so far

It's already the end of week 2 for me as my classes are held from only Monday - Wednesday. Thus, I will publish my list of tutors and lecturers for each subject, and comment a little bit on each of those subjects so far.

BTW2220 - Corporations Law & Trust
Lecturer - Shi Chenxia
Tutor - Samantha Taylor

This is a subject under the 'Professional Accounting Sequence'. It's quite an important subject as it will enable me to get exemptions from some exams when I eventually undertake professional accreditation in the field of accounting (ex. CPA, ACCA, etc...)

The lecturer has quite a funny accent. There are some words which sounds different from what it is supposed to be. For example, own = oin(k); angry = ungry; etc... The tutor on the other hand is Australian, and she's quite good.

AFW2631 - Financial Management
Lecturer - Nigel Morkel-Kingsbury
Tutor - Nigel Morkel-Kingsbury

This subject is under the major of Accounting. It's mostly a calculation subject, with some theory in it. They say it's like maths, but I'm not convinced as the failure rate for this subject is quite high. 40% in Sunway, and 57% here, in Berwick. Surely I'm not making a fool of this subject. It's practice, practice, practice, and understanding the concepts well enough. Nigel has a distinct behaviour from time to time, which is to squish a paper and throw it to the back (it's classic, seems normal to him). But of course, he's quite a decent lecturer and tutor.

ECW2721 - Trade Finance & FOREX
Lecturer - Jaai Parasnis
Tutor - Welikala Ruwangi

This subject is under the major of Economics. My passion for economics is a reason why I undertake economics as my 2nd major. The lecturer gives a very clear explanation about things, which is good for understanding this subject. The tutor on the other hand is awesome as she describes it in pictures and words, which tremendously improved understanding even further as we deal with case studies and whatnots.

ECW2731 - Managerial Economics
Lecturer - Shi He-Ling
Tutor - Shi Hui (couldn't remember the full name though)

This subject is also under the major of Economics. It's quite an interesting subject when the lecturer said this is not a continuation of Introductory Microeconomics. He said that it is time for us to put ourselves into the shoes of a company CEO and think only about one thing: PROFIT. This reminds me of Cost Information last time, one way or another. The tutor on the other hand also has quite a strong accent, but her voice is a bit too soft at times, and she doesn't seem to grasp the authority at hand (although I hope it improves with time).

And so, that is my life and classes in Berwick so far.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

10 Devilish strategies to unlock a woman's "aurat"

Strategi Pertama – Menghilangkan hijab(penutup)

Perubahan zaman dan budaya manusia menyebabkan pakaian lebih berfesyen dan semakin banyak baju yang merendahkan aurat. Pada tahap ini syaitan berbisik kepada wanita dengan berkata bahawa pakaian hanyalah sekadar hiasan dan tiada berpengaruh dengan agama. Justeru itu, tidak mengapa sekiranya memakai pakaian yang membuka aurat. Namun, teknik ini tidak semestinya berkesan terutama kepada wanita yang berpendirian dan percaya bahwa memakai pakaian syar’i ialah satu ibadah dan bukan sekadar berfesyen. Jika hasutan ini gagal, syaitan akan beralih kepada strategi yang lebih licik seperti di bawah.

Strategi Kedua – Membuka bahagian tangan

Aurat wanita meliputi seluruhnya kecuali muka dan tapak tangan. Seharusnya menjadi kebiasaan tapak tangan tidak ditutup. Jadi, syaitan mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menghasut wanita dengan berkata {tak mengapa jika memakai baju lengan pendek….kamu masih pakai tudung..}. Di pasaran pula banyak pakaian berlengan pendek terutamanya fesyen baru. Wanita yang terpedaya pun memakai baju lengan pendek dan ternyata ia kelihatan biasa pada pandangannya maupun pandangan seorang lelaki, lalu syaitan berbisik lagi {tidak mengapa kan..?}

Strategi Ketiga – Membuka leher dan dada

Setelah menjadi kebiasaan merendahkan sebagian lengan, datang lagi syaitan dan berbisik {tak mengapa kan membuka lengan…sekarang ada fesyen baru yang merendahkan bagian dada..baju ini terbuka sedikit saja agar kamu tidak terasa panas…orang pasti berkata biasa saja…} Wanita itupun memakailah baju tersebut, daripada merendahkan sedikit, sehingga yang nampak lagi bahagian dadanya.

Strategi Keempat – Berpakaian tetapi bertelanjang

Tidak cukup dengan itu, syaitan membawa lagi idea baru. Kali ini syaitan berbisik {baju kamu itu dah biasa …dah ramai orang yg pakai…sekarang ini ada fesyen baru lagi…baju ini tipis dan ketat saja..boleh kamu tunjukkan bentuk badan kamu yang cantik itu..tidak apa-apa, sebab potongan baju ini masih panjang…} Maka wanita ini pun memakai baju berfesyen sebegitu sehingga menjadi kebiasaan malah baju yang dipakai semakin ketat dan jarang. Jadilah mereka wanita yang disebut oleh Nabi sebagai kasiyat ‘ariyat (berpakaian tetapi telanjang)

Strategi Kelima – Membuka sedikit

Setelah memakai pakaian ketat dan jarang, datang lagi syaitan dan berbisik {susah la kalau kamu pakaian ketat semacam ini…bergerak pun terasa terbatasi…apa kamu cuba kain yang telah dibelah sampai ke lutut…nanti lebih senang kamu untuk duduk..tidak mengapa kamu rendahkan sedikit saja yang penting kamu selesa…} Maka dipakailah pakaian wanita yang terbelah. Ternyata ia memberi keluasan dan memudahkan dlm bergerak

Strategi Keenam – Membuka telapak kaki dan tumit

Syaitan berbisik lagi {sudah tak sesuai lagi kamu berpakaian ini…kain ini masih bagus walaupun dibelah hingga lutut…kamu potong aja lagi hingga diatas tumit…kamu pendekan kain ini sehingga atas tumit akan memudahkan km berjalan..} Wanita terus mengikuti godaan syaitan ini dan memakai kain singkat serta ditambah pula dengan kasut tumit tinggi.

Strategi Ketujuh – Membuka separuh betis

Sekarang, wanita ini sudah biasa memakai kain singkat dan ternyata masih kelihatan biasa pada pandangan orang. Syaitan berbisik lagi {fesyen kamu ni masih biasa saja…orang macam tak kisahkan…apa kata kamu cuba fesyen lain yang lebih menonjol..di pasaran banyak kain skirt..tak perlu beli yang sangat pendek …yang separuh betis saja..} Sekarang ni syaitan sudah menjadi seperti penasihat peribadinya. Maka dituruti hasutan tersebut. Pada tahap ini tudung sudah tidak dipakai.

Strategi Kelapan – Membuka seluruh betis

Wanita ada terfikir { Betulkah tindakan aku ni? Apakah tidak berselisih dengan wanita zaman nabi dulu ? } Syaitan pula menggunakan muslihat dengan mengaitkan zaman dahulu dengan sekarang. Syaitan berkata {AH!! tidak…sekarang zaman dah berubah..dulu lelaki tak suka kalau perempuan menampakkan auratnya, tetapi lelaki sekarang banyak yang suka… yang seksi-seksi terutama, mesti tidak terlalu seksi tp terbuka sedikit…di pasaran banyak pakaian zaman sekarang yang menampakkan seluruh betis….kalau kamu tidak ikut kamu akan ketinggalan zaman..} Maka pakailah wanita tersebut pakaian yang menampakkan seluruh betis.

Strategi Kesembilan – Serba mini

Setelah pakaian menampakkan seluruh betis menjadi kebiasaan, datang lagi syaitan menghasut {pakaian kamu perlu ada variasi. Jangan pakai yang seperti itu saja..kamu perlu pakai skirt mini…kamu akan nampak lebih seksi dan menawan..} Maka pakailah wanita ini skirt mini malahan bukan skirt saja yang mini, bajunya, skirtnya, semuanya dah menjadi kecil dan seksi. Bajunya juga sudah bervariasi seperti berlengan pendek, merendahkan sebagian dada dan sebagian pehanya. Ada yang dikhaskan untuk berpesta, bersosial, pakaian kerja, pakaian rasmi, pakaian malam dan sebagainya.

Strategi Kesepuluh – Hampir semua terbuka

Muncul pula keinginan untuk mandi di kolam renang terbuka dan pantai. Syaitan berbisik {pakailah kamu bikini..semua di sana pakai baju itu…kamu tak perlu malu ..} Wanita ini pun tanpa segan lagi memakai bikini yang hanya menutup sebagian dada dan pahanya. Dia pun bersuka ria terutama apabila semua lelaki memandangnya. Pada tahap ini auratnya sudah tidak diendahkan lagi.


Jadi, kaum muslimat, apa kata anda?

Thursday, 15 July 2010

My exam results

Exam results are out.

Macroeconomic Policy - 78% (D)
Cost Info for Decision Making - 74% (D)
Company Reporting - 72% (D)
Accounting Information System & Financial Modelling - 64% (C)

Wasn't that bad by any standards, but it was quite a disappointment by my standards. I felt that I could have done better. No matter, new semester is about to start next Monday. No time to mull over results anymore. It is time for me to bounce back with a bang. My resolve: GET ALL HD! NO EXCUSES!


Wednesday, 14 July 2010

2nd part of life in Berwick

Last Friday, I went to my cousins' house and follow them for Friday prayers. After that, I went for lunch at 'Dapur Indo'. I ate rice and 3 dishes (rendang daging, and 2 other vegetable dishes), at a cost of AUD8.50; very nice. After that, I lepak-ed at my cousins' house. I'm a heavy gamer, so I played Command & Conquer on PS3 from 10pm until like around 6am in the morning. I got some sleep after that and woke up at 9am.

That Saturday, I went to meet an old friend in the form of Sabrina Teoh at Queen Victoria Market. I also hang out with 2 of her friends (Farina & Anusya). I didn't buy anything except for a toy gun (AUD12). It's quite a big market, not just about selling food, but also clothes and whatnots. I went back at around 3pm and they had a disruption in railway lines between Oakleigh and Springvale during the weekend. So I dropped off at Oakleigh and took the replacement rail bus to Springvale station. From there, I took the train back to Berwick, just in time to prepare myself for the 'Ice Breaker Night' for new Berwick residents like me. So we carried out a few activities during the night and dinner was provided.

On Sunday, I went bowling with the other new residents and the resident advisors. I haven't played bowling for a long, long time. I expected to score pretty lowly, but I didn't too bad. I got the 2nd highest score at 136/300. But of course, I couldn't beat one of the locals (Malcolm his name), who scored 164/300. He's already of a different class. But yeah, better than most. It was also World Cup night, so I slept around 2am and woke up at 6.30am. I kind of forgotten about the World Cup final, so I just checked my phone, only to discover 20 miss calls. Oh crap, I forgot to teman my friend to watch the World Cup with her. So I went to the Pavilion (mind you, not the big high-class Malaysian shopping centre) to watch the remaining 20 minutes of the match. Obviously we saw the winner scored by Barca's midfield maestro, Andres Iniesta, in which he dedicated it to his late friend Dani Jarque, who died of a heart attack last year while playing a match. So yeah, Spain won the World Cup for the 1st time ever. Bla bla bla, I prefer South Korea to win the World Cup. ;P

On Monday, I had orientation at Berwick campus, but it was pretty dull most of the day, except for the food, and some of its activities. So yeah, I do meet a lot of new people. We also had induction night at the Pavilion for us new residents, which is compulsory for us to come, haha. We were sorted out into houses (Green, Red, Black, Yellow). They already sorted out beforehand, so I go Green (which reminds me of the spill against the USA). So yeah, it was mostly boring talk until they asked questions in which we can get marks for our respective houses. That's the fun part. So yeah, it wasn't all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Yesterday was also orientation, but it was more dull than ever. So, I skipped the 2nd and 3rd part of the orientation. I just went for the 1st part, and then went for the morning tea break and lunch. After that I went back to the Flats. I played ping pong with one of the Berwick residents, Stanley Lam, later in the evening. It was a titanic battle, where I was defensive most of the way. As they say in Risk, if both sides are equally matched, the defender will be the victor. And so I was victorious in miraculous circumstances, withholding the attacking onslaught. 6 sets to 4 the final score. He was pretty good. Then my next opponent was Han, who Stanley considers better than him. So I won the 1st match miraculously as well, but I was on the verge of losing the 2nd match when the trip came calling. And so, we walked up High Street and had our dinner later at Moods restaurant. I ate the vegetarian pasta. I was full at first, and then my new friend (Nor Ashikin, or Ash in short) said she couldn't finish her Thai Green Curry (vegetarian) rice, so she offered me her dish, in which I glutinously ate until it's clean, LOL. My stomach felt like exploding anytime, but it was pretty nice, haha. At least I won't go hungry during the night.

I woke up today hoping to meet a few of my old IB friends somewhere in Melbourne, but there have been slight alterations in the plan. My friend will notify me later on how the plan goes, which explains why I am still at my house in Flats and blogging away my 2nd part of life in Berwick. Today is the 14th of July (Wednesday), check check check. Tomorrow night is obviously results. It will be a very anxious wait to see how I did for my subjects last semester. As they say, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I just hope I'll do well, Insya-Allah (God willing).

Friday, 9 July 2010

My 1st week in Berwick (almost...)

This is my 5th day in Berwick. It's been very cold at an average of 10*C, regardless of day or night. However, 1st impression is that I like it here.

I live in the Flats, with 4 housemates. They're all from the same campus as I do, which is back in Sunway. I only knew one of them before, so it's like meeting new people in a way. They're Yi Fon (a.k.a. Evan), Vway Huan, Sabrina and Gabriena. That makes it 2 guys and 3 women in the house. ;P

Of course, each of us have our own rooms, which is large enough to fit in a bed, a multi-purpose table, a telephone, and a whiteboard. Of course, it can get very cold anytime, so I can never wear a single layer of clothes. That is a no-no in winter.

What I have done in the 1st 5 days is quite hard to recall almost everything. On the 1st day, my cousin and his future wife came to my residential, bringing some groceries unexpectedly, especially the kuey tiaw goreng he cooked himself. That was my lunch and dinner as he cooked a lot. And so, the 1st 2 days are quite dull before orientation (other than playing cards [Monopoly, UNO] in the middle of the night).

Come orientation day, my mom moved out of the residential to live in the hotel somewhere in Melbourne city, so me and my housemates went for orientation held at Clayton campus. Of course, I met a lot of new people, which is interesting. USA, China, France, UK, Malaysia, etc... It's 1World.

After the 1st day of orientation ended, Yi Fon, Vway Huan, Sabrina and I went to Chadstone shopping centre to do our groceries shopping. Of course, it's a 10-15 minute bus ride from Clayton campus. So, we planned to cook that day. Me and Sabrina are to cook fried rice, while Yi Fon will make salad (btw, I don't eat salad, haha).

We arrived home at 8pm and after laying back for a while, we started cooking. I cooked the rice and Sabrina does the rest (with me as helping hand). I also cut the vegetables to be used for both fried rice and salad. Vway Huan said that she doesn't really know how to cook, but she helps with the preparations as well. Yi Fon made the salad based on one of Jamie Oliver's recipe. And so, fried rice was cooked with some vegetables and egg and it tasted quite nice, not to mention I was hungry at the time. And soon after, the salad was ready to be served as well. And so, we ate and after we're done, we washed the dishes and utensils. After that, we decided to play cards again, but this time around we have extra 'kaki' (as in extra player in the form of Sabrina).

The next day (Wednesday), Yi Fon, Vway Huan and I went to the Fountain Gate shopping centre to do more grocery shopping. Sabrina was away that day to Dandenong to spend the night with her friend, so it was just the 3 of us in the house (Gabriena if I'm not mistaken was at her boyfriend's family house at the time). After shopping, I went to my mom's hotel on Southern Cross for the night. We had dinner at Little India in Crowne Plaza. It's so nice in this cold weather.

Yesterday, I went to my 2nd day of orientation as we have to register for the Australian ID card for Monash. I went straight to Clayton from Southern Cross by train. I can tell you that I like their public transport system here. It's very efficient, with few blips. You only have to buy a ticket and you can ride the train, bus and tram. It depends on what type of ticket you buy. It's a bit complicating to explain about the ticket system here, but if you try buying the Metcard yourself, it's quite easy to understand practically.

After my orientation for the day ended, me and my mom met at Clayton station, so that we can go visit my cousins' (Medic students) house on Clayton Road. At first, we were at a loss with the directions as we asked many people around us for directions. All the people we asked are unsure. And so, we came across a clinic and asked for directions. True enough to my instincts, I knew we went in the wrong direction. So we turned back. 20 minutes later, it was already nightfall and we managed to find my cousins' house. We were greeted by one of their housemates (Safuan is the name). At that time, my cousins weren't home yet. 1 went to play futsal and the other was on his way back. And so, Haris (one of my 2 cousins in the house) came home and was pleasantly surprised to see us. And so we talked until my other cousin (Azlan) got back home from futsal. I also got to meet the rest of the household (the other 2 housemates were Hashrul and Beh). So, me and my mom and my 2 cousins along with Hash went for dinner at Sarawan. After that, my mom went back to the station to get back to her hotel. And so, me and my cousins bid her farewell at the station.

I stayed at my cousins' house for the night since they got PS3, LOL. But of course, while waiting for Hash to be back so that we can play FIFA2010, I surfed the Internet on my cousin's desktop cum TV cum PS3 (I call it a multi-purpose TV). At around 11pm last night, Hash was back and we went to his big room downstairs to play PS3. 1st I teamed up with my cousin (Azlan) and we used America (Mexican club) against Hash and my other cousin (Haris), who used Arsenal (a.k.a. Gunners). They won the 1st match 3-2. But after that, we thrashed them 3-0, using the same team. ;P Next match, me and Hash teamed up and we used Arsenal. My 2 cousins used America. 1st they got thrashed 4-1, and we switched teams so that it's a more level playing field. Me and Hash lost 2-1 after that. LOL. And after that, it was time for sleep, although me and Haris are still wide awake. He was watching his TV series on his laptop, while I played his PS3 (Game: Split Second, a brutal racing car game). By 2am, both of us went to sleep. I slept in my cousin's room as his bed was double, fit for the both of us.

I woke up at around 6.30am as it was too cold to continue sleeping anyway. And so, after doing the necessary prayers, I continued playing that game. ;P At around 8.15am, I decided to go back to Berwick Residential, just to check on my room. I arrived at around 9.07am, but along the way, I ran into both Tsi Yin and Cynthia on the train, who are also living in Berwick residential, just 2 blocks away, so it's quite near. After I got home, I washed my face and have breakfast (cereal + milk). Standard saving breakfast procedure.

At around 11.30am, I'm going to go back to my cousins' house to follow them do our Friday prayers nearby at a mosque. And so, that is the end of my 5 day diary of life in Berwick (not to mention other places as well). I'll update further soon.

P/S We seriously need to revamp our public transport, or we will lag far behind other economies in the world and become stagnant.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

My last post

This is gonna be my last post before I become part of the brain drain (temporarily). GOODBYE GOOD OLE MALAYSIA!