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Thursday 21 May 2009


As I've printed out my Management assignment during the day, I could imagine a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders. Fui... the sheer relief!!!

Now, it's full steam ahead for my exams starting on June 11 and ends a week later. And I plan to buy a ticket for the MU Asian Tour tomorrow in OU.

Thus, my preparations for exams as of now:
1) Principles of Accounting & Finance - 70%
2) Introductory Microeconomics - 85%
3) Business & Economics Statistics - 50%
4) Introduction to Management - 25%
5) Islamic Studies - 20%

Looks like I'll have to focus more on Islamic Studies and Management. Thus, my target for each subject for the exams are as follows:
1) Accounting & Finance - HD (80-100%)
2) Microecons - HD (80-100%)
3) Biz & Econs Stats - D (70-79%)
4) Management - D (70-79%)
5) Islamic Studies - C (60-69%)

Yes, I have high expectations for both Accounts and Microecons. That is because I have started preparing for it since the 1st day. However, I discover that I'm quite lazy to study Management because of the 800+ page textbook. Also, I'm a bit lazy to study Stats as I couldn't understand what the lecturer said in class, although I do understand it from time to time. For Islamic Studies, it depends on how much I can get for my assignment and presentation. I know I got 24% out of 30% for the Mid-term test.

1) Accounting & Finance - 14% (in the bag because of assignment 1) Remaining: 85%
2) Microecons - 3% (in the bag because of assignment 1) Remaining: 95%
3) Biz & Econs Stats - 8% (in the bag because of assignment 1) Remaining: 90%
4) Management - 11% (in the bag because of assignment 1) Remaining: 85%
5) Islamic Studies - 24% (in the bag because of mid-term test) Remaining: 70%

I'll be getting back my assignment 2 for Accounts next week, my MCQ test and Assignment 2 for Microecons next week also, my assignment 2 for Stats in a week or two, my assignment 2 for Management in 2 or 3 weeks, and my assignment and presentation marks for Islamic Studies next week. After that, I'll know exactly where I am and how realistic are my targets after this.

In the meantime, I hope that Nizar wins the case and ask for a dissolution from the Sultan. And in double-quick time too before Zambry does something again to prevent it from happening.


jebbat said...

Wahai saudaraku, wahai kaum Muslimin,
Di atas kalimah Lailahaillallah Muhamadulrasulullah.

Saya sebagai hamba allah menyampaikan seruan Allah dan RasulNya.

“Bukanlah dari kami orang-orang yang menyeru kepada assabiyyah, berperang atas dasar assabiyyah dan mati kerana (mempertahankan) assabiyyah” [HR Abu Daud].

Wahai saudaraku, wahai kaum Muslimin,
Kembalilah ke jalan Islam dan memperjuangkan Islam bukan atas dasar memperjuangkan Assabiyah iaitu bangsa kerana Rasulullah SAW tidak mengaku akan umatnya yang memperjuangkan assabiyah…

Rasulullah SAW telah mengkabarkannya kepada seluruh manusia bahawa bukanlah dari umat Muhammad jika mereka memperjuangkan bangsa.

Adakah kita hanya mengamalkan ajaran Islam separuh masa dan separuh lagi kita meninggalkannya...???

Allah SWB berfirman :

" Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam keseluruhannya, dan janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah syaitan. Sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu " (Al-Baqarah(2):208)

Bersatulah saudaraku dengan kalimah Lailahaillallah Muhamadulrasulullah…!!!
Bersatulah kita di bawah panji kebesaran Islam…!!!

Ingatlah wahai saudaraku...

Sekecil kecil dan sebesar-besar amalan di dunia akan di hitung di akhirat kelak.


Ya Allah, aku telah jalankan perintahmu…

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