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Tuesday 10 March 2009

'Allah' name issue

KUALA LUMPUR, 10 Mac (Hrkh) - "Saya bukan jawatankuasa PAS, atau orang Kelantan, namun bagi saya sesiapa yang menempelak kenyataan Menteri Besar Kelantan Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat tentang isu nama Allah adalah mereka yang kurang jelas tentang akidah Islam, atau mempertahankan apa yang mereka tidak faham."

Demikian dinyatakan oleh bekas Mufti Perlis Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin yang sebelum ini pernah menulis setahun lalu dalam blognya yang bertajuk:"Beza antara merebut nama Allah dan mempertahankan akidah." berhubung isu berkaitan.

"Saya telah kemukakan hujah dan alasan bahawa mereka boleh memanggil Tuhan dengan 'Allah'. Al-Quran dan Sunnah membenarkannya. Akidah bukan diukur dengan panggilan, tetapi dengan membezakan antara tauhid dan syirik," katanya dalam laman blognya itu baru-baru ini

Katanya Majlis Fatwa Perlis ketika beliau menjadi mufti membuat keputusan sebulat suara keharusan bukan muslim memanggil Tuhan dengan panggilan Allah.

"Jangan kita nak 'divert' isu politik, kita bangkit isu agama, nanti agama menjadi mangsa permainan manusia.

"Saya nasihat kepada yang bising isu ini, jika nak berjihad, biarlah kena pada tempatnya. Ini bukan isu yang patut kita bertarung kerananya.

Katanya jika ingin melarang bukan muslim guna nama Allah jangan katakan bahawa agama Islam yang melarang tetapi beritahu orang bukan Islam bahawa peraturan Kerajaan Malaysia yang melarangnya atas sebab-sebab tertentu.

"Apa yang patut JAKIM fikirkan adalah bagaimana cara agar bukan muslim dalam negara kita lebih faham dan suka dengan Islam." katanya ynag kini masih berada di Lampeter, United Kingdom.

Jadi, sekarang nak pertahankan nama Allah ke tauhid? Allah mempunyai 99 nama yang indah untuk orang Islam mengingati dan menghayatinya. Jadi, fikir-fikirlah.


Anonymous said...

It because of the fear of weak akidah that Allah's name is not authorised by the gov to be used by other religions to call their god "Allah"....

It can create confusion among the younger generations or people who are not as intellectual as you...

It's just precautionary steps...

In my opinion this is an issue because Christians believe it is not wrong to call "God" as "Allah"...

They claim "Allah" means "God"...

Even "God" is the English language version of calling the Creator....

In Hebrew Christians call God "Elohim"

In Latin Chistians call God "Christo"...

As for us muslims...

The name "Allah" remains constant through out all langauges...

It becomes an issue because of the clash of's normal for me...just defend Islam when you're needed to...

PemudaNegara said...

Yeah sure defend, defend, defend. Why have a warlord mentality when the world's not making a big hue and cry. Sometimes I wonder if Islam equates to a fight-for-any-cause-under-the-sun-that's-against-the-Prophet kind of mentality. Furthermore, ain't it a little insulting to Muslims, to be told that "We are banning the word A***h (since I can't mention it) for 'them', because of the fear that 'we' would be off-track". Hey, if it's fear of off-tracking that's keeping you worried, why not invest in solidifying your faith, rather than clamping down on the freedom of other religions? Just a thought, from a grotty old infidel. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Aaron...

I think you should not always think like an idealist because not everything in this world is ideal...

Freedom of religion does not necessarily mean truly free...

There is always a limit to certain things...

It's just that those limits are set differently in different countries...

It's the same in the UK you know...

Only Christians are allowed to preach...

Muslims are prohibited to preach and prohibited to do the Azan there...

There is freedom of religion...but the UK government set that as one of the limits...

That's one example...

I'm not saying "Since they do it, then we can too"...

What I'm saying is there is always a "limit" to the "freedom" of any sort in any country...

And those limits are always different in different countries...

But honestly I can understand why you become a "grotty old infidel"...

I've been in your shoes before...when I was in UK...